Customize TimeArray printing

A dot file named .timeseriesrc sets three variables that control how TimeArrays are displayed. This doesn't change the underlying TimeArray and only controls how values are printed to REPL.

Here is an handy way to edit it:

julia> using TimeSeries

julia> edit(joinpath(dirname(pathof(TimeSeries)), ".timeseriesrc.jl"))



The default setting is 4. It shows values out to four decimal places:

julia> using TimeSeries
julia> using MarketData
julia> percentchange(cl)499×1 TimeArray{Float64, 1, Date, Vector{Float64}} 2000-01-04 to 2001-12-31 ┌────────────┬────────────┐ │ │ Close │ ├────────────┼────────────┤ │ 2000-01-04 │ -0.0843309 │ │ 2000-01-05 │ 0.0146341 │ │ 2000-01-06 │ -0.0865385 │ │ 2000-01-07 │ 0.0473684 │ │ 2000-01-10 │ -0.0175879 │ │ 2000-01-11 │ -0.0511509 │ │ 2000-01-12 │ -0.0599461 │ │ 2000-01-13 │ 0.109646 │ │ ⋮ │ ⋮ │ │ 2001-12-20 │ -0.0439408 │ │ 2001-12-21 │ 0.0159652 │ │ 2001-12-24 │ 0.0171429 │ │ 2001-12-26 │ 0.00608614 │ │ 2001-12-27 │ 0.0269893 │ │ 2001-12-28 │ 0.0163117 │ │ 2001-12-31 │ -0.0236291 │ └────────────┴────────────┘ 484 rows omitted

You can change it to whatever value you prefer. If you change it to 6, the same transformation will display like this:

julia> percentchange(cl)
499x1 TimeSeries.TimeArray{Float64,1,Date,Array{Float64,1}} 2000-01-04 to 2001-12-31
│            │ Close     │
│ 2000-01-04 │ -0.084331 │
│ 2000-01-05 │ 0.014634  │
│ 2000-01-06 │ -0.086538 │
│ 2000-01-07 │ 0.047368  │
│ 2000-01-10 │ -0.017588 │
│ 2000-01-11 │ -0.051151 │
│ 2000-01-12 │ -0.059946 │
│ 2000-01-13 │ 0.109646  │
│ 2000-01-14 │ 0.03814   │
│ 2001-12-19 │ 0.029034  │
│ 2001-12-20 │ -0.043941 │
│ 2001-12-21 │ 0.015965  │
│ 2001-12-24 │ 0.017143  │
│ 2001-12-26 │ 0.006086  │
│ 2001-12-27 │ 0.026989  │
│ 2001-12-28 │ 0.016312  │
│ 2001-12-31 │ -0.023629 │


This output is controlled with const values to accommodate difficult to remember unicode numbers:

const NAN       = "NaN"
const NA        = "NA"
const BLACKHOLE = "\u2B24"
const DOTCIRCLE = "\u25CC"
const QUESTION  = "\u003F"


The default setting displays NaN, which represent the actual value when padding=true is selected for certain transformations. You can change it to show differently with the provided const values or roll your own. Dot files are often used to customize your experience, so have at it!

Here is an example in REPL with the default:

julia> lag(cl, padding=true)
500x1 TimeSeries.TimeArray{Float64,1,Date,Array{Float64,1}} 2000-01-03 to 2001-12-31
│            │ Close  │
│ 2000-01-03 │ NaN    │
│ 2000-01-04 │ 111.94 │
│ 2000-01-05 │ 102.5  │
│ 2000-01-06 │ 104.0  │
│ 2000-01-07 │ 95.0   │
│ 2000-01-10 │ 99.5   │
│ 2000-01-11 │ 97.75  │
│ 2000-01-12 │ 92.75  │
│ 2000-01-13 │ 87.19  │
│ 2001-12-19 │ 21.01  │
│ 2001-12-20 │ 21.62  │
│ 2001-12-21 │ 20.67  │
│ 2001-12-24 │ 21.0   │
│ 2001-12-26 │ 21.36  │
│ 2001-12-27 │ 21.49  │
│ 2001-12-28 │ 22.07  │
│ 2001-12-31 │ 22.43  │

Here is an example in REPL with NA selected:

julia> lag(cl, padding=true)
500x1 TimeSeries.TimeArray{Float64,1,Date,Array{Float64,1}} 2000-01-03 to 2001-12-31
│            │ Close  │
│ 2000-01-03 │ NA     │
│ 2000-01-04 │ 111.94 │
│ 2000-01-05 │ 102.5  │
│ 2000-01-06 │ 104.0  │
│ 2000-01-07 │ 95.0   │
│ 2000-01-10 │ 99.5   │
│ 2000-01-11 │ 97.75  │
│ 2000-01-12 │ 92.75  │
│ 2000-01-13 │ 87.19  │
│ 2001-12-19 │ 21.01  │
│ 2001-12-20 │ 21.62  │
│ 2001-12-21 │ 20.67  │
│ 2001-12-24 │ 21.0   │
│ 2001-12-26 │ 21.36  │
│ 2001-12-27 │ 21.49  │
│ 2001-12-28 │ 22.07  │
│ 2001-12-31 │ 22.43  │

Here is an example in REPL with BLACKHOLE selected:

julia> lag(cl, padding=true)
500x1 TimeSeries.TimeArray{Float64,1,Date,Array{Float64,1}} 2000-01-03 to 2001-12-31
│            │ Close  │
│ 2000-01-03 │ ⬤     │
│ 2000-01-04 │ 111.94 │
│ 2000-01-05 │ 102.5  │
│ 2000-01-06 │ 104.0  │
│ 2000-01-07 │ 95.0   │
│ 2000-01-10 │ 99.5   │
│ 2000-01-11 │ 97.75  │
│ 2000-01-12 │ 92.75  │
│ 2000-01-13 │ 87.19  │
│ 2001-12-19 │ 21.01  │
│ 2001-12-20 │ 21.62  │
│ 2001-12-21 │ 20.67  │
│ 2001-12-24 │ 21.0   │
│ 2001-12-26 │ 21.36  │
│ 2001-12-27 │ 21.49  │
│ 2001-12-28 │ 22.07  │
│ 2001-12-31 │ 22.43  │

Other const values include DOTCIRCLE and QUESTION. The UNICORN value is a feature request.