Counting Functions

Counting Functions

The package provides functions to count the occurences of distinct values.

Counting over an Integer Range

counts(x, [wv::AbstractWeights])
counts(x, levels::UnitRange{<:Integer}, [wv::AbstractWeights])
counts(x, k::Integer, [wv::AbstractWeights])

Count the number of times each value in x occurs. If levels is provided, only values falling in that range will be considered (the others will be ignored without raising an error or a warning). If an integer k is provided, only values in the range 1:k will be considered.

If a weighting vector wv is specified, the sum of the weights is used rather than the raw counts.

The output is a vector of length length(levels).

proportions(x, levels=span(x), [wv::AbstractWeights])

Return the proportion of values in the range levels that occur in x. Equivalent to counts(x, levels) / length(x). If a weighting vector wv is specified, the sum of the weights is used rather than the raw counts.

proportions(x, k::Integer, [wv::AbstractWeights])

Return the proportion of integers in 1 to k that occur in x.

addcounts!(r, x, levels::UnitRange{<:Int}, [wv::AbstractWeights])

Add the number of occurrences in x of each value in levels to an existing array r. If a weighting vector wv is specified, the sum of weights is used rather than the raw counts.


Counting over arbitrary distinct values


Return a dictionary mapping each unique value in x to its number of occurrences.


Return a dictionary mapping each unique value in x to its proportion in x.

addcounts!(dict, x[, wv])

Add counts based on x to a count map. New entries will be added if new values come up. If a weighting vector wv is specified, the sum of the weights is used rather than the raw counts.
